Sunday, March 24, 2013

~Dropped Conversations~

Today was one of THOSE mornings!  As I was preparing to channel my inner Donna Reed and make some blueberry muffins (with REAL blueberries, people!), I stumbled on the way to the recycling bin - in my non-caffeinated state - and dropped a glass bottle, which promptly shattered everywhere!  Once that was finally cleaned up, we were back on track for the muffin making when I pulled out the egg container to find... we had only one of the two required eggs because no one mentioned that they had used all but one of the eggs... Mark! 

So as I sent Eamon to get dressed so we could go to the store to get our one egg, I decided to have what was left of the yogurt, which was only 6 weeks past it's sell by date.  (It was fine - really!)  Somehow the quart container slipped from my non-buttery fingers and hit the floor, splattering yogurt everywhere.  Well, at least it was a step up from the glass that had been sprayed everywhere just fifteen minutes earlier.  :P  I weighed whether or not I should let the dogs in to "clean" up the mess or if that would just cause more of a mess since they'd been outside in the rain and mud.  Darn it!  I decided I was going to have to go this cleaning job alone - again!  Finally all errant glass and yogurt had been removed from the kitchen floor (and cabinets) and Eamon and I were on our way to Publix.  The following conversation ensued in the egg and dairy section:

Eamon:  "Ooh!  Ooh!  I want to hold the eggs!"

Me:  "No, sweetie.  There have been enough things dropped and broken this morning so I'm going to hang on to the eggs."

Eamon:  "But you're the one that kept dropping and breaking things!"

Me:  "Well, um, yes... Ok, you have a point there but... I'm all better now.  I promise I won't drop the eggs."

Eamon:  *sigh*  "No fair..."

Luckily, I was able to hang on to the eggs! ;)

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