Friday, February 8, 2013

~Casserole Conversations~

While trying to get Eamon excited about tonight's casserole dinner...

Me:  "Mmm, don't you think it smells good?"

Eamon:  "Is it bacon?" 

Me:  "Well, no... It's a yummy chicken casserole!  Doesn't it smell good?"

Eamon:  "Eh."

Right after the casserole came out of the oven...

Me:  "I'm going to put some parmesan cheese on mine.  Do you want some too?"

Eamon:  "Will it cover up how horrible the casserole tastes?"

Me:  "Nah, probably not.  I'll still put some cheese on it though."

Eamon:  "Ok." 

For a kid who intended to hate tonight's casserole, I heard very few complaints once he took a bite. ;) 

UPDATE:  I have been informed by my food-phobic 7 year old that my casserole has been renamed and shall henceforth and forever be referred to as... "The Horrible Casserole."  That kid... ;)

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