Wednesday, February 20, 2013

~All I Know Conversations~

After coming home from his first Tae Kwon Do lesson tonight...

Eamon:  "Well, I know one thing."

Me:  "What's that?"

Eamon:  "How to turn on the TV with my toes!"  <demonstrates>

Me:  "Awesome.  Money well spent..."

Monday, February 18, 2013

~Drum Roll Please Conversations~

As Eamon started playing his drums at 8am this morning...

Me:  "Eamon, stop that!  You'll wake up Rowan."

Eamon:  "She's probably already awake and reading."

Me:  "No, she's not."

Eamon:  "Yeah, most of the time that she's awake, she is reading."

Me:  <sigh>  "That's not the point.  You can't play the drums b/c she's still sleeping."

Eamon:  "I'll just go check if she is or not..."

Me:  "No!" 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

~Desserted Conversations~

As he was trying to choke down the rest of his yummy & nutritious lunch today...

Eamon:  "Can we have ice cream for dessert?"

Me:  "No, we'll have that for dessert after dinner tonight.  Instead, we'll have... cantaloupe!"

Eamon:  "Booo..."

Me:  "You know, studies show that 9 out of 10 children who 'boo' their mother never get to eat ice cream again."

Eamon:  "Wha...?!  Hey, you're making that up!  Right?"

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.... ;)

Friday, February 8, 2013

~Casserole Conversations~

While trying to get Eamon excited about tonight's casserole dinner...

Me:  "Mmm, don't you think it smells good?"

Eamon:  "Is it bacon?" 

Me:  "Well, no... It's a yummy chicken casserole!  Doesn't it smell good?"

Eamon:  "Eh."

Right after the casserole came out of the oven...

Me:  "I'm going to put some parmesan cheese on mine.  Do you want some too?"

Eamon:  "Will it cover up how horrible the casserole tastes?"

Me:  "Nah, probably not.  I'll still put some cheese on it though."

Eamon:  "Ok." 

For a kid who intended to hate tonight's casserole, I heard very few complaints once he took a bite. ;) 

UPDATE:  I have been informed by my food-phobic 7 year old that my casserole has been renamed and shall henceforth and forever be referred to as... "The Horrible Casserole."  That kid... ;)

Monday, February 4, 2013

~Sickly Conversations~

After reading to Eamon since his coughing was keeping him awake...

Me:  "Sweetie, do you want to sit up and read to yourself for a little while?"

Eamon:  <sighing>  "No, I need to get to sleep b/c I have school tomorrow."

Me:  "Honey, I'm pretty sure we'll be going to the Dr's office tomorrow instead of school.  It's ok if you want to stay up to read if you think that would make you feel better." 

Eamon:  "No, I should try to get some rest.  I haven't been sleeping well lately, you know."

Seven going on seventy... ;)