Wednesday, January 9, 2013

~Alert Conversations~

While discussing Eamon's day after picking him up from school...

Me:  "Hey, what's that picture you're carrying?  Did you draw that today?" 

Eamon:  <nonchalantly>  "Yeah, it's just another one of my masterpieces."

Me:  "Ah, I see...  So how was your first day of Alert class?"

Eamon:  "Good.  Tristan A. is in there too.  <sounding surprised>  And he's actually really kind of smart!"

Me:  "Oh, just as smart as you or smarter?"

Eamon:  "Smarter."

Me:  "Really, how can you tell?"

Eamon:  "He finished his worksheets quicker than me."

Me:  "I see..." 

Apparently speed is the key to intelligence... when you're seven! ;)


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