Saturday, October 13, 2012

~Spartan Conversations~

While discussing the upcoming Spartan Race...

Eamon:  *sigh* "I hope one day when I'm a grown up I win the Spartan Race so I can get the helmet as my prize.  It would come in handy if I'm ever in a battle."

Me:  "Um, yes, I guess a Spartan helmet would be useful if you're ever in a battle...?"

Mark:  "The second place prize is a sword and third place is a dagger."

Eamon:  "Ooh!  I hope I win second place too so I can win a sword because that would help me in battle too.  I wish fourth place was a shield because I need one of those for battle too.  I wonder where they even get that stuff?" 

Gotta' have your priorities I guess... ;)

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