Friday, September 28, 2012

~Ninja Conversations~

While driving home from school and making bad puns that apparently even a seven year old doesn't find funny...

Eamon:  <deadpan voice>  "I wonder why I don't laugh at jokes any more."  *sigh*

Me:  "Maybe because your life has been so tough that you've already become jaded and cyncical."

Eamon:  <deadpan voice>  "Or maybe it's because I'm a ninja."

Me:  <snickering> "Ninjas don't laugh?"

Eamon:  "No, because they have to be quiet so they can sneak up on people.  And when I become a master ninja, I can go on top of the monkey bars at the playground but it's too dangerous for me right now, even though some kids do it."

Wow, so glad I have him around to explain the ways of the ninja to me... ;)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

~Painting Conversations~

After attending one of those paint-it-yourself classes...

Mark:  "You know, Eamon thinks your painting is really good and that you should hang it up."

Me:  "Oh, that is so sweet, Eamon!  Since you like it that much, maybe we can hang it in your room?"

Eamon:  "Um, well, you still need to put up those other two super hero posters in my room like you said you would so..."

Me:  "Oh, right.  So you really won't have room for it on your wall.  Gotcha'.  Okay..."

*sigh*  When even a 7 year old doesn't want your painting displayed in his room, you know the Met won't be calling anytime soon.  ;)   

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Popcorn Conversations

While watching some Clone Wars (Star Wars) episodes tonight...

Eamon:  "I don't know why but my brain is telling me that it wants hot chocolate and popcorn."

Me:  "Interesting..."

Eamon:  "What?  It really is!"

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

~Shower Conversations~

After getting home from Open House a little late tonight...

Mark:  "Go take a shower right away.  It's already past your story time."

Eamon:  <looking sad & pathetic>  "Mommy?  If it's already past my story time, doesn't that mean it's too late for me to take a shower?"

Me:  <used to him constantly trying to get out of showering>  "Are you seriously trying to get out of bathing again?"

Eamon:  <unable to hold the sad face and breaking into uncontrollable laugher>  "Yes?"

Me:  "Go shower!!!" 

That kid!  That stinky, stinky kid! ;)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

~Dancing Conversations~

While watching Saturday morning TV...

Eamon:  "Did you know that my butt can dance?"

Me:  "Um, no...  Ok, let's see it."

Eamon:  <remains sprawled on his belly on the futon>

Me:  "What?  You're not even doing..." <realization slowly dawning>

Eamon:  <clenching and unclenching his butt cheek muscles so that they jiggle>  "See?"

My kid is such a weirdo.  I have NO idea where he gets it from! ;)

Friday, September 14, 2012

~Early Morning Conversations~

When Mark went to wake Eamon this morning, he found him sitting up in bed...

Mark:  "Oh, you're already up."

Eamon:  <groggily>  "Is it lunch time?"

Mark:  "No, it's morning."

Eamon:  <tries to lay back down to go to sleep>

Sunday, September 9, 2012

~Never Again Conversations~

After asking Eamon to come downstairs...


Me:  <having heart attack after hearing my son falling head over heels down the stairs and then trying to recover once I realize that he didn't fall down the stairs>  "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!  What did you even do!?  You know what?  I don't care what you did but don't you ever do it again!!!"   

Eamon:  <nonchalantly> "Ok, but that's just how I like to come down the stairs." 

Geez, I can already feel him taking years off my life and he's not even a teenager yet... :P

Friday, September 7, 2012

~Old Conversations~

While getting dressed for bedtime...

Eamon:  "I need to put on my shirt.  I'm getting bug bites all over.  I think that's how peope get old."

Me:  "What?"

Eamon:  "I think that's how people get wrinkly when they get old - the bugs just suck out lots of their blood." 

Hmm, the kid could be on to something... ;)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

~Pepperoni Conversations~

While discussing what kind of pizza Eamon wants to order...

Eamon: "I don't want to get the kind of pizza with brown sa'feer pepperoni on it."

Me: "What? What kind of pepperoni don't you want?"

Eamon: "Brown sa'feer pepperoni."

Me: "I don't know what you're talking about. That's not any kind of pepperoni I've ever heard of."

Eamon: "In school last year, when we learned about shapes, we learned about this round shape called sa'feer and I don't like the pepperoni that's brown and sa'feer shaped."

Me: "Wait, are you saying 'sphere'?"

Eamon: "Yeah, sa'feer."

After a brief discussion about the correct way to pronounce "sphere" and the difference between spheres and 2 dimensional circular shapes...

Me: "Ok, now that we've got the sphere part figured out, what is this brown pepperoni that you're talking about?"

Eamon: "You know, it's smaller than regular pepperoni and brown and it is a sa'feer, I mean sphere, shape."

Me: "Are you talking about Italian sausage?"

Eamon: "Yeah, that's it! I don't like that."

Discussions about pizza toppings should not be that exhausting!