Friday, June 15, 2012

~No Conversation, Just Ranting~

No, that's not the linoleum pattern you're seeing.  All those little speckles are sand (click on photo to enlarge).  Lots and lots and LOTS of sand, courtesy of Lake Murray and my seven year old who decided to belly crawl across the shore when I told him it was time to go.  (Did I mention that, despite the fact that he whined about how cold he was for at least 10 minutes before we left, when I gave in and said we could go, he slowly drug himself out of the water and across the beach to demonstrate his reluctance to leave?;)

Fast forward an hour...
After arriving at the house, I instructed him to remove his sandy swim trunks and shower - because he would have stayed in them otherwise.  The next time I went into the bathroom, from the amount of sand under my feet, I thought I was back at the beach!  When I questioned him about it, he looked quite puzzled, almost as if he didn't know what sand was. 

To really understand his confusion (imagined or otherwise), you have to have seen "A Christmas Story."  If you haven't seen it, please stop reading and go watch it now! (What the heck kind of childhood did you have anyway?!)  Now that you have seen it, do you remember the scene after the triple dog dare in which all of the kids leave Flick outside stuck to the flag pole?  And the teacher asks where Flick is, to which Ralphie gives a blank look and thinks to himself, "Flick? Who's Flick?"  Yeah, that's exactly the look I got when I asked about the sand on the bathroom floor. 
"Sand?  What's sand?" 

Unfortunately, my whole family has perfected "the look."  "Butter?  Smeared across the countertops, you say?  What's butter?"  "Laundry that needs to be folded?  I do not understand this 'laundry' of which you speak...?"  *sigh* One day I'm going to end up at Our Lady of Peace** and it's going to be because of "the look." 

Needless to say, he swept up the sand, although it took three inspections for him to get it all -
and he also put away the swim trunks he'd hidden behind the door!  ;)

**Louisville reference
(which isn't even a Louisville reference anymore b/c Our Lady of Peace was renamed)

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, love the OLOP reference. We used to say "Time to go feed the ducks" when one of us felt a crazy moment coming on.

    I'm sooo looking forward to stuff like this myself.
