Saturday, June 2, 2012

~Desk Cleanout Conversations~

After Aunt Erica spent Eamon's last day at school with him...

Erica:  "Your son's desk was a mess.  When I pulled out all the papers stuffed in there, including old artwork, hat and mittens, an old cookie fell out."

Eamon:  "It wasn't a cookie!"

Erica:  "It wasn't a cookie?  What was it?!"

Eamon:  "Crust."

Us:  "Ewww!" 

Erica:  "Yeah, his friend Bob said, 'Eamon's a hoarder'."

Seven years old and my son is a hoarder... :(


  1. In a few years, will we all be watching a TV show with him as the subject?

  2. Nah, all kids do that. It didn't use to be called "hoarding", just "laziness". ;)
