Friday, March 23, 2012

~Knee Injury Conversations~

As I was picking Eamon up from after-school-care yesterday, he was looking pretty distraught...

Me: "Honey, what's wrong?"

Eamon: <pathetic sniffly voice> "I fell and scraped my knee."

Me: "Oh, well, I see a couple of band-aids on it so I'm sure it will be fine."

Eamon: <really pathetic sniffly voice> "It just hurts so much that <sob!> I think I'm going to have to walk different from now on!" <mild wail>

Me: <looking under multiple band-aids> "Honey, the skin isn't even broken."

Eamon: "Oh."

************Five Minutes Later************

Me: <watching him run around the yard w/ careless abandon> "I see your knee is feeling better?"

Eamon: "Yeah, I took the band-aids off. They were what made it hurt."

Ah, yes, those dangerous pain-inflicting band-aids... ;)

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