Sunday, March 25, 2012

~Mealtime Conversations~

For letting me have an hour of uninterrupted yoga time, I told Eamon we could go to Moe's for dinner.  And on the way, this is what we discussed...

Me: "Are you ready to have some Moe's tonight?"

Eamon: "It's not nighttime.  It's still daylight."

Me: "Well, yes, but it's 5:30 so that's tonight, evening, dinnertime, whatever!"

Eamon: "Dinnertime?! But I never had lunch yet!"

Me: "Yes, you did! Remember the chicken, potatoes, spinach, and bell pepper?"

Eamon: "Oh, yeah... But you never gave me breakfast!"

Me: "I did too! Don't you remember the peanut butter sandwhich and milk?"

Eamon: "Oh, right."

Me: "And before you start about in-between meals, let me remind you about all the snacks you had!  There was the pasta and the Gogurt and the salami and the pretzels and..."

Eamon: "And lemonade!"

Me: "You had lemonade too? Wow..."

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