Friday, February 16, 2018

~Salsa Conversations~

While driving to school this morning...

Eamon:  <as if confessing a great injustice>  "Yesterday, in Spanish class, we had to learn the salsa."

Me:  "Wait, you learned the dance Salsa or learned to make salsa?"

Eamon:  <exasperated>  "The dance Salsa.  I said 'the salsa'."

Me:  "I know but I was just checking to make sure I hear right.  So, how was it?"

Eamon:  <sighing>  "It was horrible."

Me:  "Ok, why?  What happened?"

Eamon:  "First we had to go foward, then backward.  Then to the right and then to the left.  Again and again."

Me:  <struggling not to laugh>  "Um, yeah, that's how dancing usually goes!" 

Eamon:  "Well, it was horrible."

My poor non-rythmic boy! ;) 

~Fair Conversations~

Courtesy of Facebook Memories, Feb. 6, 2012

Tonight's post-bookfair conversation w/ (6 yr old) Eamon...

Me: "You'd better really enjoy all those books you talked me into buying b/c we're going to be eating nothing but beans and toast until payday now!"

Eamon: *blankly* "What books?" 

Me: "....?!?!..." 

Eamon: "Haha! Got you, mommy!"

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

~Toothy Conversations~

While driving home Saturday...

Eamon:  <wiggling a baby tooth>  "My tooth is really loose."

Me:  "Do you want your dad to pull it when we get home?"

Eamon:  "No!"

Me:  "Ok, well, do you want to pull it?"

Eamon:  "Maybe.  Slowly..."

Me:  "Whatever.  As long as you don't expect me to do it."

Eamon:  <surprised>  "Oh!  It just came out."

Me:  "Ew!  Is it bleeding?"

Eamon:  "I don't think so."

Looking over at him when I stop at the next red light...

Me:  "AUGH!  There is BLOOD smeared from your forehead to your mouth!!"

Eamon:  <nonchalantly>  "Huh.  I wonder how that happened?"

This kid... ;) 

~Coupon Conversations~

January 30, 2011 Courtesy of Facebook Memories

Car conversation w/ Eamon immediately after leaving grocery store...

Me: "AUGH!! DARN IT! (although I was thinking something much worse!)"

Eamon: "What?"

Me: "I forgot to use the coupons I had in my pocket!"

Eamon: "That is so sad, mommy!"

Am I training this kid right or what? At this rate, he's going to be just as neurotic as me in a few short years! 

Saturday, January 6, 2018

~Dished Conversations~

On a lazy Saturday morning...

Me:  "Thanks for doing the dishes, bud."

Eamon:  <sighing>  "It was very difficult."

Me:  "Well, then I think you should do it more often because if you practice, it won't be as hard next time."

Eamon:  "I was kidding, it's not difficult."

Let's just say that Eamon is not as excited as this boy when doing dishes.  ;)