Sunday, March 19, 2017

~Recorded Conversations~

From March 19, 2012, Courtesy of FB Memories
~And now the best part of the recorder conversation~

Eamon: "This is so cool that I have TWO instruments now!"

Me: <half joking> "Maybe you could learn to play them at the same time?"

Eamon: "How could I play the drums and the recorder at the same time? B/c I need two hands for both of them. Oh, I know! I'll build two mechanical arms and attach them to my spine and use them to play one of the instruments! I just figure out how to build the mechanical arms..."

Me: "Or I was gonna' say that you could just use your feet to work the foot pedal and your hands for the recorder..."
This was either foreshadowing his desire to be an inventor or he'd just been watching a lot of Spiderman vs. Doc Ock at the time! ;)