Sunday, October 30, 2016

~Milked Conversations~

October 30, 2011 (courtesy of FB memories)

Morning conversation w/ Eamon when I told him to get the milk out~

Eamon: "Is this the milk w/ fat in it?"

Me: "We're out of 2%. The skim will be fine for you today."

Eamon: "But I need milk w/ fat in it. You and daddy can drink the milk w/o fat b/c you already have lots of fat." 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

~(S)Pained Conversations~

October 2013, 2011 (Courtesy of FB memories)

Today's car conversation w/ Eamon~

Eamon: "My friends grandparents live across the sea and speak Europe."

Me: "You mean they live in Europe? There are a lot of countries in Europe so if they live in Spain they might speak Spanish..."

Eamon: "No, mommy, people in China speak Spanish."


~Sandwiched Conversations~

October 17, 2014 (courtesy of FB memories)
It's a dark day in the Wood household:
Eamon just outgrew the kids' meal at Which Wich. :/
And considering the way he wolfed down a 7 inch sub, half a bag of chips, a cookie, and a drink and then said, "Mom, if your sandwich didn't have gross toppings [i.e. banana peppers & sriracha sauce], I would eat the rest of yours too," I know that it won't be long until he's eating a 14 inch sub - in comparison to the half of a 7 inch sub I usually eat!

~Thor, Jr.~

October 20, 2011 (courtesy of FB memories)

FYI, friends and family, my son has declared that he shall now be known as Thor, Jr. Also, his father will now be known as Mr. Thor and I should be referred to Mrs. Thor from now on. (And I guess that makes his sister Miss Thor?) Please update our contact info accordingly. ;) 

~Smashed Conversations~

From October 21, 2011 (courtesy of FB memories)
Morning conversation w/ Eamon (after having problems w/ an electrical system in our house)

Eamon: *sigh* "I think we should just smash it."

Me: *choking back laughter* "No, honey, I think we'll fix it instead."

Eamon: "We should smash it. And I know where we can get a bunch of hammers."
