Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Downward Facing Conversations

Things you don't expect to hear while doing yoga, even when it's with your 10 year old...

Eamon:  "Ow... my face."

Me:  "What the...?!"  <looks up to see that Eamon has taken downward-facing-dog to heart and has landed face down on his mat with his butt in the air>  "You still have 10 minutes left of mandatory yoga time so quit drooling on my mat and get back to it." 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Delayed Conversations

Yesterday while checking the calendar...

Eamon:  <excitedly>  "Today is May 23rd so my birthday is just TEN days away!"

Me:  "Funny you should mention that..."

Eamon:  "Why?"

Me:  "Because you were supposed to be born today eleven years ago."

Eamon:  "What?!"  

Me:  "Yeah, they estimated this as your due date but you hung on until June 2nd."

Eamon:  <horrified>  "Ten days?!"

Me:  "Yep."

Eamon:  "That is a LONG time..."

Me:  "Yes.  Yes, it is!  Don't you forget that!"

Eamon:  <looking especially traumatized b/c his class just had "the talk" from the school nurse on Friday

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Beaned Boy Conversations

After a trip to the public library...

Eamon:  <voraciously reading a new book in the car>

Me:  "Wow, I haven't seen you this into a book in a while.  What's it about?"

Eamon:  <absently>  "Uh-huh..."

Me:  "And it's about...?"

Eamon:  <absently>  "A boy..."

Me:  "Okay..."

Later while talking to Mark about the book...

Me:  <excitedly>  "Wow, that must be some book he's reading!  <imagining my genius child reading the 5th grade equivalent of War & Peace>  He hasn't even put it down since he found it!"

Mark:  <nonchalantly>  "Yeah, it's some comic book about a kid whose superhero power is farting so much that he flies."

Me:  <dreams of early admittance to Harvard being dashed>  "WHAT!?"

Mark:  "Yeah, no wonder he loves it..."

Me:  "Eamon is your book really about a boy whose super power is GAS?!"

Eamon:  <scowling>  "No!"

Me:  "Well, what's it about?"

Eamon:  "It's about this boy and he eats beans and... he's the sidekick!"

Me:  "But he flies because of his flatulence!?"

Eamon:  <frowns and goes back to his book>

Oh, well, what could I have expected from a book called The Adventures of Beanboy?! 

Sweetened Conversations

Last week while I was suffering from a cold...

Me:  <coughing incessantly>

Eamon:  <concerned>  "Are you OK?"

Me:  "Oh, yeah, I'll be fine.  Thanks."

Eamon:  "I could make you tea."

Me:  <laughing a little at the thought of me, the caregiver, becoming the caregivee!>

Eamon:  "Well... do you want me to make you some tea or not?"

Me:  "Ok, sure.  Thanks, buddy."

Several minutes later, after only some of the boiling contents of the kettle ended up on the counter...

Eamon:  "Ok, the tea is steeping and I set the timer so we'll know when it's ready."

Me:  <pleasantly surprised>  "Wow, thanks!"

Eamon:  "But you have to get your own honey because I don't know how sweet you want it."