Sunday, March 6, 2016

~Heeled Conversations~


Me:  "Ohmigod, look at your shoes!"

Eamon: "What?  They're fine."

Me:  "No, they're not!  They look terrible!  I can't stand it anymore.  We're getting new ones while we're out."

Eamon:  <whining>  "Nooo!  I don't need new shoes!  Really, these are fine!"

Me:  "Eamon, you look like a rag-a-muffin and I look like an awful mother!  You're getting new shoes!"

Eamon:  <grumbling>  

Thirty minutes later in the shoe aisle...

Eamon:  <in ecstasy> "WHOA!!  Look at the red ones!  Oooh, and the black ones!  Can we get both pairs?  These are AWESOME!" 

Me:  "I thought you didn't want new shoes..."

Eamon:  <catching himself>  "Well, I mean these are ok, for new shoes.  But I didn't NEED them."

Just substitute any article of clothing with "shoes" in this conversation and it's one that we have over and over and over in this household.  Eamon never got to meet his Grandpa John but anyone who knew my dad knows that wearing-clothing-until-it-falls-off-in-shreds-or-new-garments-are-forced-upon-you is a trait that he definitely passed down to his grandson! ;)