Sunday, January 24, 2016

~Measured Conversations~

While playing with my old folding measuring stick...

Eamon:  "Guess how tall I am?"

Me:  "Umm, I can't remember.  How tall?"

Eamon:  "Twenty-four!"

Me:  "Twenty-four what?"

Eamon:  "Inches."

Me:  "You are not twenty-four inches tall.  That's two feet.  Do you really think you're only two feet tall?"

Eamon:  "That's what it says.  You said this is the inches side."

Me:  "It would help if you weren't holding the measuring stick upside down."

Eamon:  "Ohhhhh..."

And this from my straight-A, honor roll, math/science whiz, future engineer!  :P