Thursday, November 27, 2014

~Car Ride Conversations~

While in the car last night with Mema & Erica, driving around to see Christmas lights...

Eamon:  <forgetting that he's all tough and manly, leans over to snuggle with me in the back seat>

Erica:  "Aww, that's so cute!"

Me:  "Watch this:  Eamon, I love you!"

Eamon:  <realizing his sensitive side is showing, he quickly pulls back to his side of the car>  "Ew, gross!"

Me:  <to Erica>  "Yeah, he doesn't usually show affection when you want him to.  You have to say things like 'bodily fluids,' 'flatulence, 'gas' to get him to show any interest."

Me:  <to Eamon>  "Eamon, gas!"

Eamon:  <earnestly>  "I can't right now.  I'm not loaded."

Me:  <laughing hysterically>  "It wasn't a command!"