Wednesday, July 16, 2014

~Buggy Conversations~

After discovering a furry little visitor on our deck this morning...

Eamon:  "Mommy, can you come here a second?  Look at this!"

Me:  "Ooh, cool catepillar!  Uh-oh, looks like Ziggy wants to see what you found..."

Eamon:  <rushing to intercept our curious canine>  "No, Ziggy, NO!  Back!  BACK!  You can't come this way or you'll squish it.  STOP, IT'S A LIVING CREATURE!"

I was touched that my little man would be so adamant about saving this little guy from certain doggy doom so I picked up a stick to see if I could relocate him...

Eamon:  "Ooh, a stick!  Can I poke him with it after you?!"

Hmm, maybe he's not so concerned about this living creature after all...

Me:  <indignantly>  "I was not going to poke him with it!  I was going to use the stick to move him off the deck!"

Eamon:  "Oh.  Yeah, me too.  Can I move him with the stick after you?"

Me:  *sigh*  "Fine, you do it but be gentle with him!"

Eamon:  "I will!"

Sunday, July 13, 2014

~Elephantine Conversations~

While discussing the distant galaxy that is on course to collide with ours - in 3 billion years...

Eamon:  <pensively>  "We need a giant force field...  When I grow up, I'm going to build one!  And I'm going to test it with an elephant."

Me:  "You're going to throw an elephant at your force field to see if it works?"

Eamon:  "No!  I mean, how would I even pick it up?"

Rowan:  "You're planning to build a giant force field but how to pick up and launch an elephant is what you're worried about!?"

Eamon:  <thoughtfully>  "Well, I could use cranes..."

Me:  "The real issue here is that you're willing to kill an elephant to test out your force field."

Eamon:  "What?!  No, he'll just bounce off the force field and be fine."

Me:  "An elephant flying through the air is not going to be in good shape when it hits the ground."

Eamon:  "Not if there are pillows and mattresses under him when he lands."

Whew!  Now I can rest easy knowing that PETA will not come after my little inventor! ;) 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

T'eed Off Conversations

While discussing the T-shirt Eamon made at camp...

Mom:  "Did you ask Eamon about the shirt that he made?"

Me:  "A little but he didn't explain much.  What are those things he painted?"

Rowan:  "He just says they're 'science.'"

Me:  "Huh.... <to Eamon>  Hey, buddy, that is a cool shirt that you made!  What's on it?"

Eamon:  "Science."

Me:  "Well, yeah, I can see that it's science-y but what are those things?  Circuits or machinery or...?"

Eamon:  <deadpan>  "Sci-ence."

My little smarty pants! :P